Maintenance Tips for Your Roof

The roof is one of the most important aspects of your home. It protects you from extreme weather, reduces cooling costs, and helps maintain the comfort level in your home. In order to keep your roof in good condition for as long as possible, there are four key components that need to be addressed on a regular basis: cleaning (both inside and out), maintenance (including roof repairs), inspections/checking for damage or wear, and routine inspections of parts that provide protection from moisture such as vents and chimneys.

Inspect The Fascia

Ever wonder what that “thing” is around the edge of your roof? It’s called a fascia board, and it helps protect the structure of your home by covering up gaps in the walls. It also keeps debris out. If you need to replace or repair this part of your roof, hire an experienced contractor. They will be able to fix or replace it quickly and correctly, keeping you from having larger problems down the line.

Check For Damage

When was the last time you took a good look at your roof for any damage? Do you see sagging shingles or missing pieces in areas where they should be smooth like slopes? Is there severe discoloration along eaves, valleys or ridge caps? Check these areas as well as entry points for loose or missing flashing. Also, check gutters and downspouts to make sure they are in proper working order. Loose gutters can lead to water damage inside your home. If you find any areas that need repair, contact a contractor for assistance as soon as possible. They will be able to fix the problem in no time at all. Contact a roof repair specialist like Advosy, if you are unable to handle it yourself.

Clean The Roof

It may sound strange, but if you want your roof to last long and take care of it properly every now and then by cleaning it from debris like leaves and branches that prevent free flow of air through the vents, this is important step you should not miss. If there is an accumulation of dirt on your roof even just once a year it will make the process of air conditioning and cooling your home easier because the system won’t have to work as hard.

Inspect Chimneys

Do you use your fireplace or wood stove? If so, check that you have adequate draft through the chimney. You can do this by lighting a match and holding it inside and near the top of the chimney. It should burn for 3-5 seconds before going out on its own, meaning there is proper draft to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in your home. If you don’t use these products, just be sure to clean any debris from around them (and consider having them professionally cleaned).

Check Vents

Vent areas are usually located under eaves and at the ridge of your roof. They are designed to draw out moist air, and should be checked regularly for damage like cracks, holes or loose/missing pieces. If you notice any problems with vents, contact a contractor as soon as possible! A simple crack that is not fixed can turn into an even bigger problem down the line.

Clean Gutters

It’s important that you keep gutters clean around the time leaves hit the ground each year in order to prevent water from getting inside your home through them (and causing potentially expensive damage). It’s easy to do yourself — just make sure to clear away all debris before it becomes heavy enough to produce leaks or sagging gutters that allow water to run off instead of draining properly.


If you have caulking in between the roof and window frames, make sure it is in good condition. It will help keep water from leaking down those surfaces into your home, and it can be easily replaced by a professional if needed. If you notice any cracks or gaps in caulking around vent areas, chimneys or any other places, this should be addressed immediately to prevent moisture buildup inside your home — which can lead to more expensive repairs (and even mold! Yuck!) later on.

Clear Leaves Regularly

It’s important that you clear away all debris before they are allowed to accumulate because otherwise, they will just sit on top of the shingles and cause issues with leaks. Accumulated debris will also restrict air flow through the vents, and can even cause sagging gutters that allow water to run off instead of draining properly.